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Architectural Wood DoorsTops & Surfaces

ERP Update - July 2021

posted on 08/13/2021 in Tops & Surfaces - News

During quarter 2, VT rolled out our new ERP system at our first countertop facility, Sac City, IA on April 12th. The implementation was a huge success and the plant has been running on the new system ever since, with as little disruption to the customer as possible.

Since the launch, the ERP teams have continued to work through some issues and improvements to better support the company’s goals and fulfill our customers' needs. Two of the major improvements the team has made since the launch include enhancements to the scheduling system to help with optimizing the line across blocks of orders for the fabricator business and updates to the cut-rite integration to allow our team to optimize laminate sheets for JIT tops and accessories. 

In order to make the transition with the least amount of disruption for our customers, our Rome, Texas, and Oregon plants were able to help support the Sac City plant by taking on some additional countertop footage. Shortly after the launch, Sac City was able to regain all the customers that were originally serviced by their plant.

The ERP team has now transitioned to implementation at the next countertop plant. The base footprint for Sac City will also support our remaining facilities by helping to drive standardization and improvements to their operations.  

  1. countertops
  2. erp
  3. innovation